Handy. Preventa venta reparto
Use Handy to make life easier for sellers in the field through the mobile app and supervision of street work from the web portal.
Handy helps you sell more with less effort.
🚚 Sales processes we handle:
– Presale
– Presale + delivery (deliveries)
– Route sales (also called on-board sales or self-sales)
✨ What does Handy help you with?
– Registration of visits with clients by GPS
– Real-time location tracking
– Capture of orders on site with ticket printing
– Promotions and discounts
– Sales goals
– Balances and collection
– Capture of personalized and geolocated surveys
– Routes with their settlements, management of losses and returns
– But above all with indicators that will help you optimize your operation
Handy allows you to manage different pricing schemes:
– Regular prices
– Price lists
– Special prices per client
Connect Handy with other systems such as ERPs using our web API.
📈 Handy, mobile sales made easy
☎️ For more information please visit our website:
Contact us direct at
Or by phone in Mexico +52 (33) 50-04-10-51