COMET — Manga, Webtoon, Manhua
What's new
Fixed new chapters not showing issue.
Bug fixes and enhancements.
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Welcome to Comet! Your new favorite app to explore the world of Manga. Enjoy a quick laugh or lose yourself in worlds beyond your wildest imagination by diverse creators from all around the world.
Access thousands of Manga anytime, anywhere across 60 genres, including romance, comedy, action, fantasy, and horror.
Comet provides the best reading experience to chug in every moment of the story.
• We promise you that Comet is the best reading app out there.
• Explore new titles through our Homepage or our fully customizable search.
• Ability to edit view settings in the reader.
• Choose between high quality or optimal quality images according to your
connection strength and available storage.
• Bookmark a story between Reading, Finished, Skipping or Considering.
• Get notified when a new chapter is available.
• Pin stories that need your attention and place them in your homepage.
• Upload your bookmarks, pins, reading history and updates so that you never lose them.
• Join thousands of users in discussions by commenting at the end of each chapter.
• Comet comes with over 40 languages to choose from.
Read to your heart's content. Enjoy!